Will Pollies say ‘I Do’ to same-sex marriage rights?

Australian Greens leader Bob Brown will push for a conscience vote to allow gay and lesbian marriage after the next election.

Both major parties are currently against changes to Australian marriage laws which would allow weddings for same-sex couples. But if the Green party take the balance of power in the Senate after tomorrow’s federal election, then gay marriage will be back on the agenda.

As it stands, the Marriage Act states that marriage is “the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.” Same-sex couples are currently restricted to Commitment Ceremonies, which hold no legal standing.

A civil celebrant can help make a Commitment Ceremony as close to a legal marriage as possible. Commitment Ceremonies celebrate the spiritual, emotional and practical joining of same-sex or other devoted couples.

About the author: Laura Craddock is an open-minded and modern Sydney civil celebrant who conducts same-sex Commitment Ceremonies with pride.


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